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If you need an all-inclusive practice that provides the highest standard of care, you can trust Envy Smile Dental Spa in Brooklyn, NY. Choose the exceptional convenience with same day service and comfort to patients of all ages who need quality care. The clinic`s unique practice goes beyond the realm of normal treatment by offering on-staff specialists.

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Customer reviews

 04 Apr. 2022, 05:15

Envy Smile Dental Spa is family to me. They care about you. They are not just a Dentist company but they are one big family with Excellent customer service. I would recommend Envy smile to everyone. They save my life and my mouth. My son loves going there. Thank you Envy for all that you do.
ID: 13935
 16 Apr. 2019, 07:24

Dr. Weiner and his staff make you feel more like family than just a patient, their personal touch truly sets them apart. The modern, upbeat atmosphere feels anything but a dentistry practice. When you’re there, be sure to check out the Envy Smile Dental Spa!

What I liked: The whole staff was so sweet and the process was swift and surprisingly enjoyable!
ID: 7330
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